The Power of 1031 Exchanges With Bernard Reisz – Real Finds Podcast #14

Posted by Gordon Lamphere

Host: Gordon Lamphere, Director of Sales and Leasing at Van Vlissingen and Co.

Guest: Bernard Reisz, Certified Public Accountant and Founder of ReSure LLC



The Real Finds Podcast, hosted by Gordon Lamphere, brings a special Tax Day episode with guest Bernard Reisz, a CPA and the founder of ReSure LLC. This episode aims to empower real estate investors by offering insights into tax and financial tools, maximizing benefits from their investments.

As a tax expert, Bernard introduces several key financial tools beneficial for real estate investors. These include self-directed retirement accounts, 1031 Exchanges, Cost Segregation, and investor-centric life insurance. Moreover, he sheds light on how ReSure delivers tax-advantaged vehicles like checkbook-control IRAs, Solo 401(k)s, Defined Benefit, Cash Balance Plans, and other tax-favored Qualified Retirement Plans (QRPs) to achieve impressive results.

Furthermore, the episode provides a deep dive into common tax savings strategies, highlighting the power of 1031 exchanges and reverse 1031 exchanges. With a focus on the future of the tax code, this episode is a treasure trove of information for anyone interested in optimizing their real estate capital gains.

In alignment with the podcast’s tradition, a noteworthy book recommendation accompanies this episode: “The Drunkard’s Walk: How Randomness Rules Our Lives” by Leonard Mlodinow.

Gordon Lamphere
AuthorGordon Lamphere
Gordon is a licensed Illinois Real Estate Broker, who manages the commercial sales and leasing team. Gordon also leads Van Vlissingen and Co’s media marketing team. He is an honors graduate of St. Mary’s College of Maryland and holds a Juris Doctorate from Tulane University Law School.